자주사용하는 TCP/UDP 포트 목록(TCP/UDP PORT LIST ) 본문
1 | TCP | tcpmux | TCP port service multiplexer |
5 | TCP | rje | Remote Job Entry |
7 | TCP | echo | Echo service |
9 | TCP | discard | Null service for connection testing |
11 | TCP | systat | System Status service for listing connected ports |
13 | TCP | daytime | Sends date and time to requesting host |
17 | TCP | qotd | Sends quote of the day to connected host |
18 | TCP | msp | Message Send Protocol |
19 | TCP | chargen | Character Generation service; sends endless stream of characters |
20 | TCP | ftp-data | FTP data port |
21 | TCP | ftp | File Transfer Protocol (FTP) port; sometimes used by File Service Protocol (FSP) |
22 | TCP | ssh | Secure Shell (SSH) service |
23 | TCP | telnet | The Telnet service |
25 | TCP | smtp | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) |
37 | TCP | time | Time Protocol |
39 | TCP | rlp | Resource Location Protocol |
42 | TCP | nameserver | Internet Name Service |
43 | TCP | nicname | WHOIS directory service |
49 | TCP | tacacs | Terminal Access Controller Access Control System for TCP/IP based authentication and access |
50 | TCP | re-mail-ck | Remote Mail Checking Protocol |
53 | TCP | domain | domain name services (such as BIND) |
63 | TCP | whois++ | WHOIS++, extended WHOIS services |
67 | TCP | bootps | Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) services; also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) services |
68 | TCP | bootpc | Bootstrap (BOOTP) client; also used by Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) clients |
69 | TCP | tftp | Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) |
70 | TCP | gopher | Gopher Internet document search and retrieval |
71 | TCP | netrjs-1 | Remote Job Service |
72 | TCP | netrjs-2 | Remote Job Service |
73 | TCP | netrjs-3 | Remote Job Service |
73 | TCP | netrjs-4 | Remote Job Service |
79 | TCP | finger | Finger service for user contact information |
80 | TCP | http | HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for World Wide Web (WWW) services |
88 | TCP | kerberos | Kerberos network authentication system |
95 | TCP | supdup | Telnet protocol extension |
101 | TCP | hostname | Hostname services on SRI-NIC machines |
102 | TCP | iso-tsap | ISO Development Environment (ISODE) network applications |
105 | TCP | csnet-ns | Mailbox nameserver; also used by CSO nameserver |
107 | TCP | rtelnet | Remote Telnet |
109 | TCP | pop2 | Post Office Protocol version 2 |
110 | TCP | POP3 | Post Office Protocol version 3 |
111 | TCP | sunrpc | Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Protocol for remote command execution, used by Network Filesystem (NFS) |
113 | TCP | auth | Authentication and Ident protocols |
115 | TCP | sftp | Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) services |
117 | TCP | uucp-path | Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol (UUCP) Path services |
119 | TCP | nntp | Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) for the USENET discussion system |
123 | TCP | ntp | Network Time Protocol (NTP) |
137 | TCP | netbios-ns | NETBIOS Name Service used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux by Samba |
138 | TCP | netbios-dgm | NETBIOS Datagram Service used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux by Samba |
139 | TCP | netbios-ssn | NETBIOS Session Service used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux by Samba |
143 | TCP | IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) |
161 | TCP | snmp | Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) |
162 | TCP | snmptrap | Traps for SNMP |
163 | TCP | cmip-man | Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) |
164 | TCP | cmip-agent | Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) |
174 | TCP | mailq | MAILQ email transport queue |
177 | TCP | xdmcp | X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) |
178 | TCP | nextstep | NeXTStep window server |
179 | TCP | bgp | Border Gateway Protocol |
191 | TCP | prospero | Prospero distributed filesystem services |
194 | TCP | irc | Internet Relay Chat (IRC) |
199 | TCP | smux | SNMP UNIX Multiplexer |
201 | TCP | at-rtmp | AppleTalk routing |
202 | TCP | at-nbp | AppleTalk name binding |
204 | TCP | at-echo | AppleTalk echo |
206 | TCP | at-zis | AppleTalk zone information |
209 | TCP | qmtp | Quick Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP) |
210 | TCP | z39.50 | NISO Z39.50 database |
213 | TCP | ipx | Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), a datagram protocol commonly used in Novell Netware environments |
220 | TCP | IMAP3 | Internet Message Access Protocol version 3 |
245 | TCP | link | LINK / 3-DNS iQuery service |
347 | TCP | fatserv | FATMEN file and tape management server |
363 | TCP | rsvp_tunnel | RSVP Tunnel |
369 | TCP | rpc2portmap | Coda file system portmapper |
370 | TCP | codaauth2 | Coda file system authentication services |
372 | TCP | ulistproc | UNIX LISTSERV |
389 | TCP | ldap | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) |
427 | TCP | svrloc | Service Location Protocol (SLP) |
434 | TCP | mobileip-agent | Mobile Internet Protocol (IP) agent |
435 | TCP | mobilip-mn | Mobile Internet Protocol (IP) manager |
443 | TCP | https | Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) |
444 | TCP | snpp | Simple Network Paging Protocol |
445 | TCP | microsoft-ds | Server Message Block (SMB) over TCP/IP |
464 | TCP | kpasswd | Kerberos password and key changing services |
468 | TCP | photuris | Photuris session key management protocol |
487 | TCP | saft | Simple Asynchronous File Transfer (SAFT) protocol |
488 | TCP | gss-http | Generic Security Services (GSS) for HTTP |
496 | TCP | pim-rp-disc | Rendezvous Point Discovery (RP-DISC) for Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) services |
500 | TCP | isakmp | Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) |
535 | TCP | iiop | Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) |
538 | TCP | gdomap | GNUstep Distributed Objects Mapper (GDOMAP) |
546 | TCP | dhcpv6-client | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 6 client |
547 | TCP | dhcpv6-server | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 6 Service |
554 | TCP | rtsp | Real Time Stream Control Protocol (RTSP) |
563 | TCP | nntps | Network News Transport Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (NNTPS) |
565 | TCP | whoami | whoami user ID listing |
587 | TCP | submission | Mail Message Submission Agent (MSA) |
610 | TCP | npmp-local | Network Peripheral Management Protocol (NPMP) local / Distributed Queueing System (DQS) |
611 | TCP | npmp-gui | Network Peripheral Management Protocol (NPMP) GUI / Distributed Queueing System (DQS) |
612 | TCP | hmmp-ind | HyperMedia Management Protocol (HMMP) Indication / DQS |
631 | TCP | ipp | Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) |
636 | TCP | ldaps | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (LDAPS) |
674 | TCP | acap | Application Configuration Access Protocol (ACAP) |
694 | TCP | ha-cluster | Heartbeat services for High-Availability Clusters |
749 | TCP | kerberos-adm | Kerberos version 5 (v5) ‘kadmin’ database administration |
750 | TCP | kerberos-iv | Kerberos version 4 (v4) services |
765 | TCP | webster | Network Dictionary |
767 | TCP | phonebook | Network Phonebook |
873 | TCP | rsync | rsync file transfer services |
992 | TCP | telnets | Telnet over Secure Sockets Layer (TelnetS) |
993 | TCP | IMAPS | Internet Message Access Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (IMAPS) |
994 | TCP | ircs | Internet Relay Chat over Secure Sockets Layer (IRCS) |
995 | TCP | POP3s | Post Office Protocol version 3 over Secure Sockets Layer (POP3S) |
UNIX 시스템의 특정 포트
512 | TCP | exec | Authentication for remote process execution |
512 | UDP | biff [comsat] | Asynchrous mail client (biff) and service (comsat) |
513 | TCP | login | Remote Login (rlogin) |
513 | UDP | who [whod] | whod user logging daemon |
514 | TCP | shell [cmd] | Remote shell (rshell) and remote copy (rcp) with no logging |
514 | UDP | syslog | UNIX system logging service |
515 | printer [spooler] | Line printer (lpr) spooler | |
517 | UDP | talk | Talk remote calling service and client |
518 | UDP | ntalk | Network talk (ntalk) remote calling service and client |
519 | utime [unixtime] | UNIX time (utime) protocol | |
520 | TCP | efs | Extended Filename Server (EFS) |
520 | UDP | router [route, routed] | Routing Information Protocol (RIP) |
521 | ripng | Routing Information Protocol for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) | |
525 | timed [timeserver] | Time daemon (timed) | |
526/ | TCP | tempo [newdate] | Tempo |
530 | TCP | courier [rpc] | Courier Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol |
531 | TCP | conference [chat] | Internet Relay Chat |
532 | netnews | Netnews newsgroup service | |
533 | UDP | netwall | Netwall for emergency broadcasts |
540 | TCP | uucp [uucpd] | UNIX-to-UNIX copy services |
543 | TCP | klogin | Kerberos version 5 (v5) remote login |
544 | TCP | kshell | Kerberos version 5 (v5) remote shell |
548 | afpovertcp | Appletalk Filing Protocol (AFP) over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) | |
556 | remotefs [rfs_server, rfs] | Brunhoff’s Remote Filesystem (RFS) |
IANA 기관에 제출된 네트워크 회사의 특정 포트 목록
1080 | socks | SOCKS network application proxy services | |
1236 | bvcontrol [rmtcfg] | Remote configuration server for Gracilis Packeten network switches | |
1300 | h323hostcallsc | H.323 telecommunication Host Call Secure | |
1433 | ms-sql-s | Microsoft SQL Server | |
1434 | ms-sql-m | Microsoft SQL Monitor | |
1494 | ica | Citrix ICA Client | |
1512 | wins | Microsoft Windows Internet Name Server | |
1524 | ingreslock | Ingres Database Management System (DBMS) lock services | |
1525 | prospero-np | Prospero non-privileged | |
1645 | datametrics [old-radius] | Datametrics / old radius entry | |
1646 | sa-msg-port [oldradacct] | sa-msg-port / old radacct entry | |
1649 | kermit | Kermit file transfer and management service | |
1701 | l2tp [l2f] | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (LT2P) / Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F) | |
1718 | h323gatedisc | H.323 telecommunication Gatekeeper Discovery | |
1719 | h323gatestat | H.323 telecommunication Gatekeeper Status | |
1720 | h323hostcall | H.323 telecommunication Host Call setup | |
1758 | tftp-mcast | Trivial FTP Multicast | |
1759 | UDP | mtftp | Multicast Trivial FTP (MTFTP) |
1789 | hello | Hello router communication protocol | |
1812 | radius | Radius dial-up authentication and accounting services | |
1813 | radius-acct | Radius Accounting | |
1911 | mtp | Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol (MTP) | |
1985 | hsrp | Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol | |
1986 | licensedaemon | Cisco License Management Daemon | |
1997 | gdp-port | Cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol (GDP) | |
2049 | nfs [nfsd] | Network File System (NFS) | |
2102 | zephyr-srv | Zephyr distributed messaging Server | |
2103 | zephyr-clt | Zephyr client | |
2104 | zephyr-hm | Zephyr host manager | |
2401 | cvspserver | Concurrent Versions System (CVS) client/server operations | |
2430 | TCP | venus | Venus cache manager for Coda file system (codacon port) |
2430 | UDP | venus | Venus cache manager for Coda file system (callback/wbc interface) |
2431 | TCP | venus-se | Venus Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) side effects |
2431 | UDP | venus-se | Venus User Datagram Protocol (UDP) side effects |
2432 | UDP | codasrv | Coda file system server port |
2433 | TCP | codasrv-se | Coda file system TCP side effects |
2433 | UDP | codasrv-se | Coda file system UDP SFTP side effect |
2600 | hpstgmgr [zebrasrv] | Zebra routing | |
2601 | discp-client [zebra] | discp client; Zebra integrated shell | |
2602 | discp-server [ripd] | discp server; Routing Information Protocol daemon (ripd) | |
2603 | servicemeter [ripngd] | Service Meter; RIP daemon for IPv6 | |
2604 | nsc-ccs [ospfd] | NSC CCS; Open Shortest Path First daemon (ospfd) | |
2605 | nsc-posa | NSC POSA; Border Gateway Protocol daemon (bgpd) | |
2606 | netmon [ospf6d] | Dell Netmon; OSPF for IPv6 daemon (ospf6d) | |
2809 | corbaloc | Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) naming service locator | |
3130 | icpv2 | Internet Cache Protocol version 2 (v2); used by Squid proxy caching server | |
3306 | mysql | MySQL database service | |
3346 | trnsprntproxy | Transparent proxy | |
4011 | pxe | Pre-execution Environment (PXE) service | |
4321 | rwhois | Remote Whois (rwhois) service | |
4444 | krb524 | Kerberos version 5 (v5) to version 4 (v4) ticket translator | |
5002 | rfe | Radio Free Ethernet (RFE) audio broadcasting system | |
5308 | cfengine | Configuration engine (Cfengine) | |
5999 | cvsup [CVSup] | CVSup file transfer and update tool | |
6000 | TCP | x11 [X] | X Window System services |
7000 | afs3-fileserver | Andrew File System (AFS) file server | |
7001 | afs3-callback | AFS port for callbacks to cache manager | |
7002 | afs3-prserver | AFS user and group database | |
7003 | afs3-vlserver | AFS volume location database | |
7004 | afs3-kaserver | AFS Kerberos authentication service | |
7005 | afs3-volser | AFS volume management server | |
7006 | afs3-errors | AFS error interpretation service | |
7007 | afs3-bos | AFS basic overseer process | |
7008 | afs3-update | AFS server-to-server updater | |
7009 | afs3-rmtsys | AFS remote cache manager service | |
9876 | sd | Session Director for IP multicast conferencing | |
10080 | amanda | Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Amanda) backup services | |
11371 | pgpkeyserver | Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) / GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) public keyserver | |
11720 | h323callsigalt | H.323 Call Signal Alternate | |
13720 | bprd | Veritas NetBackup Request Daemon (bprd) | |
13721 | bpdbm | Veritas NetBackup Database Manager (bpdbm) | |
13722 | bpjava-msvc | Veritas NetBackup Java / Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) protocol | |
13724 | vnetd | Veritas network utility | |
13782 | bpcd | Veritas NetBackup | |
13783 | vopied | Veritas VOPIE authentication daemon | |
22273 | wnn6 [wnn4] | Kana/Kanji conversion system | |
26000 | quake | Quake (and related) multi-player game servers | |
26208 | wnn6-ds | Wnn6 Kana/Kanji server | |
33434 | traceroute | Traceroute network tracking tool |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 의 특정 포트 목록
15 | tcp | netstat | Network Status (netstat) |
98 | tcp | linuxconf | Linuxconf Linux administration tool |
106 | poppassd | Post Office Protocol password change daemon (POPPASSD) | |
465 | tcp | smtps | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (SMTPS) |
616 | tcp | gii | Gated (routing daemon) Interactive Interface |
808 | omirr [omirrd] | Online Mirror (Omirr) file mirroring services | |
871 | tcp | supfileserv | Software Upgrade Protocol (SUP) server |
901 | tcp | swat | Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT) |
953 | rndc | Berkeley Internet Name Domain version 9 (BIND 9) remote configuration tool | |
1127 | tcp | supfiledbg | Software Upgrade Protocol (SUP) debugging |
1178 | tcp | skkserv | Simple Kana to Kanji (SKK) Japanese input server |
1313 | tcp | xtel | French Minitel text information system |
1529 | tcp | support [prmsd, gnatsd] | GNATS bug tracking system |
2003 | tcp | cfinger | GNU finger |
2150 | ninstall | Network Installation Service | |
2988 | afbackup | afbackup client-server backup system | |
3128 | tcp | squid | Squid Web proxy cache |
3455 | prsvp | RSVP port | |
5432 | postgres | PostgreSQL database | |
4557 | tcp | fax | FAX transmission service (old service) |
4559 | tcp | hylafax | HylaFAX client-server protocol (new service) |
5232 | sgi-dgl | SGI Distributed Graphics Library | |
5354 | noclog | NOCOL network operation center logging daemon (noclogd) | |
5355 | hostmon | NOCOL network operation center host monitoring | |
5680 | tcp | canna | Canna Japanese character input interface |
6010 | tcp | x11-ssh-offset | Secure Shell (SSH) X11 forwarding offset |
6667 | ircd | Internet Relay Chat daemon (ircd) | |
7100 | tcp | xfs | X Font Server (XFS) |
7666 | tcp | tircproxy | Tircproxy IRC proxy service |
8008 | http-alt | Hypertext Tranfer Protocol (HTTP) alternate | |
8080 | webcache | World Wide Web (WWW) caching service | |
8081 | tproxy | Transparent Proxy | |
9100 | tcp | jetdirect [laserjet, hplj] | Hewlett-Packard (HP) JetDirect network printing service |
9359 | mandelspawn [mandelbrot] | Parallel mandelbrot spawning program for the X Window System | |
10081 | kamanda | Amanda backup service over Kerberos | |
10082 | tcp | amandaidx | Amanda index server |
10083 | tcp | amidxtape | Amanda tape server |
20011 | isdnlog | Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) logging system | |
20012 | vboxd | ISDN voice box daemon (vboxd) | |
22305 | tcp | wnn4_Kr | kWnn Korean input system |
22289 | tcp | wnn4_Cn | cWnn Chinese input system |
22321 | tcp | wnn4_Tw | tWnn Chinese input system (Taiwan) |
24554 | binkp | Binkley TCP/IP Fidonet mailer daemon | |
27374 | asp | Address Search Protocol | |
60177 | tfido | Ifmail FidoNet compatible mailer service | |
60179 | fido | FidoNet electronic mail and news network |
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